What would be different if you truly felt well?
I’m passionate about helping my clients overcome hardships and move from surviving to thriving!
In-person and Telehealth appointments available for adolescents, adults, and couples.
Welcome to Live Well Counseling Services, I’m glad you’re here! I love walking alongside my clients to find healing and begin living from a place of true wellness.
Struggling through life's challenges alone can feel overwhelming and exhausting. If you find yourself battling with anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, overcoming past hurts, or other emotional distress, I’d love to come alongside you to help you embark on a transformative path towards personal growth and well-being.
Hi! I’m Mandi.
I believe that counseling should be about more than learning how to cope with life; it’s about building a life full of vitality, meaning, and purpose. I love getting to walk with my clients as they overcome difficulties, build deeper connections with themselves and others, and begin to live well.
I’d love the opportunity to connect with you to help you heal and begin to thrive.
When we feel safely connected to others, we understand ourselves better and like ourselves more.
Sue Johnson
At Live Well Counseling Services, the journey toward mental and emotional well-being starts with connection. I believe that healing happens in the context of a safe relationship and I'm committed to creating a safe and welcoming space where you can share openly and be deeply understood. Through this safe connection, clients often begin forming a safer connection with themselves as well through increased self-acceptance and confidence in who they are and want to be. With this strong therapeutic alliance established, we are able to work together to begin the process of healing.
Healing is a deeply personal and transformative journey. I recognize that each person's path to healing is unique and tailor my approace to your specific needs and goals. Together, we will navigate life's complexities, providing you with the guidance, tools, and support required to overcome obstacles and find emotional relief. Healing doesn't erase the past; it's about making peace with it and emerging stronger. It’s about releasing the things that are keeping you stuck and gaining the ability to create the change you’re longing for. I am here to assist you in this process and empower you to lead a more balanced, meaningful, and fulfilling life.
I believe that everyone has the potential not just to recover, but to thrive. Once we've connected and embarked on the healing journey, it's time to focus on what it means for you to live a fulfilling life from this new place of mental and emotional wellness. Thriving involves building on your strengths, enhancing your resilience, and living in accordance with your deepest values. I will help you build the skills needed to better manage life's challenges and unlock your full potential. It's not just about surviving; it's about thriving in every aspect of your life. Together, we'll chart a course toward a life full of vitality, meaning, and purpose.